Advertising and Sponsorship Opportunities

AATE Opportunities and Audience

AATE offers numerous and varied opportunities for companies and organizations in the educational, theatrical, entertainment, and publishing trades to regularly reach our targeted and highly engaged audience. 

The primary readers of AATE publications are members who have the following characteristics:

  • 78% of our members are professionals working in the field as youth theatre directors, college/university theatre educators, or K-12 theatre teachers who stage productions during the school year.
  • These artists and educators are the primary purchasers of theatrical supplies, including plays, books, costumes, sets,technical equipment, and more.
  • 64% of our members are advisors to students who are considering further theatre education at conservatories,colleges, universities, and other institutions. 

Sponsor A Month of Curtain Call

Curtain Call is AATE's monthly e-newsletter that is read by 5000+ theater and education practitioners. Utilize this opportunity to reach a large group of people in the field.

AATE now offers you the opportunity to sponsor Curtain Call, spreading your message to the broad community which is AATE in a more immediate and targeted way.

The package includes:

  • Headline Language: “This issue of Curtain Call is presented by “________”
  • Key art block under the Directors Note (an image or designed ad)
  • Live links to the site of your choice
  • Dedicated text block – A paragraph of copy to accompany the image or designed ad
  • Banner with a live link on AATE's homepage to run the same month that Curtain Call is sponsored.


One Issue: $250 members ($450 non-members)
Two Issues (One Month): $500 members ($650 non-members)
Three Issues: $650 members ($900 non-members)

To reserve, please contact Alexis Truitt at [email protected] for more information and available dates.

Sponsor the Leaders of Color Institute

A series of national symposiums being held in Utah, New York, Washington, and Texas.

AATE’s Leaders of Color Institute (LOCI) is a space for arts professionals and administrators who will lead or are currently leading artistic organizations, programs and schools. This dedicated space only for people of color will provide professional development opportunities that include peer exchange and leadership skill development. It is also an opportunity to share your work, successes, and challenges and make new connections with potential collaborators. The LOCI will help shape the next generation of the arts to better reflect the communities’ present.  If you would like to sponsor or have any questions, please contact Alexis Truitt at [email protected]. For more information on the Sponsorship opportunities, please go HERE.

National Conference Exhibits & Sponsorships 

One of the highlights of every AATE National Conference is the exhibit hall. Our exhibit hall is unlike any other as it is small enough that attendees get to spend time at every booth yet large enough to give attendees access to a wide array of products and services. In addition, we arrange for incentives for attendees to visit each booth such as our exhibitor reception and "Trivia Scavenger Hunt” promotion. Exhibits are located on the conference floor where most all‐conference events and food/coffee will be located. Exhibitors therefore have a unique opportunity to interact with delegates as they move through the conference areas. The exhibit hall is open for the first two days of Conference to give maximum exposure within a limited time frame. For Exhibit Booth rates and details, head to page 4 of the Conference Prospectus. Website Ads is the website for the American Alliance for Theatre & Education and the place where anyone interested in theatre and education comes for information. has partnered with MultiView to provide advertising opportunities on the AATE Website. Ads appear in the bottom right corner of the AATE homepage, as well as all pages, to increase awareness of your products and services. For more information about advertising, email [email protected] or call 972-402-7070.