FIELD TRIP: Mondo Bizzaro Open Training
Presenters: Nick Slie
Friday, August 4, 2017, 2-5 pm
*Transportation is included.
Mondo Bizarro Open Training engages deeply in practices that nurture ensemble awareness, trust and co-creativity. This class will use a series of physical and vocal exercises that hone individual and group awareness, physical improvisation; and finding attention, precision and momentum in the body. We will explore imaginative, emotional, and remembered landscapes; and we will work on quality, nuance and range in our physicality. Come prepared to move, sing and make some material.
MASTER CLASS A: Introduction to Story Circles
Presenters: Junebug Productions
Wednesday, August 2, 2017, 12-3 pm
This introductory class will give participants an overview of both the practice and values of the Story Circle process with a look at the history of the practice, its influences, its applications and how the Story Circle process has been used in Junebug Productions' art-making and community engagement work. Participants will take part in a Story Circle and come away with an appreciation for Story Circle values such as active listening, honoring the oral tradition, and democratic leadership that can be applied to their own work.
MASTER CLASS B: The Graduates
Presenters: Kathy Randels
Saturday, August 5, 2017, 9-11 am
The Graduates, founded in 2012, is a performance ensemble composed of six formerly incarcerated women from Louisiana, who were former members of the 20-year-old Drama Club at the Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women (LCIW). The Graduates and the Drama Club are co-directed by Kathy Randels of ArtSpot Productions and Ausettua AmorAmenkum of Kumbuka African Drum & Dance Collective and co-produced by these two companies. “Won’t Bow Down!” is a performance that focuses on the these women’s interactions with the prison system and is designed to motivate audiences to become active in helping to end mass incarceration in Louisiana. Support for our work is provided by grants from Alternate ROOTS, The Andrew Mellon Foundation and The Robert Rauschenberg Foundation.
Share performance, dialogue, and technique sharing.
MASTER CLASS C: Play/Write: student work from the page to the stage
Presenters: Chris Kaminstein & Shannon Flaherty
Sunday, August 6, 2017, 9:30-12:30 pm
This workshop is based on Goat in the Road Production's young playwrights' program, Play/Write.
Currently operating in five New Orleans schools, Play/Write works with fifth-seventh grade students on the fundamentals of playwrighting and acting. At the end of the yearlong classes, each student has written 5 - 7 original plays, and chosen one to turn into a final play, which they receive a published copy of. Ten student plays are chosen for production by local, professional theatre companies at a Showcase performance celebrating the students' work.
This 3 hour master class will give attendees an overview of the Play/Write curriculum, from how students can conceive of play structure, to creative brainstorming activities, to getting students up on their feet for self-guided rehearsal.